Well, this has been a fun year so far.
Lots of things happening and lots of shows Darren and I have been getting. This weekend we have a show at a festival that should be pretty big, only bad thing is half the people there are more casual about their musical-genre taste. I just hope our music doesn't scare to many people off.
New classes have started and I am closer to my degree. Now, if only I could find a job........hm.
If you live here the area we are playing, come on over.
And please.....please, dance for us. :)
lol good post but you gotta check out this site that gives you FREE Xbox Live and PSN points before Microsoft or Sony shut it down! its called <a href="http://freegamerpoints.net">http://freegamerpoints.net</a> and ive been using it for awhile its great, especially with Black Ops on the way :P